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Minka Gokhale
Corsica is a laid-back French island, with a breezy vibe. Excellent hotel, our room was a spacious junior suite with windows that opened to a wonderful harbor view. The food was delicious. The staff was friendly & kind. Seeing the sightseeing places such as old Town, Piazza de Ferrari & the Palace of the Doges. Experience a beautiful overhang with surprises & sensations. Here, I want to appreciate the itinerary planned by Antilog Vacations.
Ankit Manhas
Great experience in Corsica. I with my wife spend three nights at the famous hotel. The rooms were nice & well maintained, spacious & comfortable. Staff members were very friendly & cooperative. The food services were really good. We visited & explored the beauty of famous attractions. Enjoyed a lot with my wife. Thanks, Antilog Vacations for this great experience.
Arman Dhiman
Planned & booked this amazing trip from Antilog Vacations. I with my college friends enjoyed a lot in Corsica. We spend three nights & stayed at the five-star hotel. We enjoyed the Genoa And Portofino Day Trip From Milan, The Canyon Of Verghellu & Tyrotrekking In Corsica. Our guide was very informative, friendly & entertaining. Thank you Antilog Vacations for your great services.
Sanjiv Nadar
Nice modern hotel booked by Antilog Vacations. We enjoyed the adventure sports activities like jumping, Tyrolean Zipline, canyoning & abseiling. There are many historical sites & places to visit. The room was very clean, spacious & comfortable. The food services were really good. I would recommend Antilog Vacation services to all, I definitely booked the same services for my next trips in future.
Chandini Sharma
Doing a trip-of-a-lifetime at the last minute (especially being very sick & arranging during the holidays) must be the craziest thing we've ever done. Thanks to Antilog Vacations for making our France trip possible. They didn't miss a single detail, and, their representative made it perfect for us given the timing, our interests, & our budget. Everything was fabulous & so good that we want to go back for more. When we get to that point, we'll be sure to call for their assistance.
Manmeet Sandhu
Every aspect of our trip was seamless. My husband & I traveled to Paris, Normandy, & Loire valley for 4 night. After spending numerous hours researching & hoping to come up with the best experiences for our destinations, I stumbled upon Antilog Vacations, & was connected with a group of talented, passionate, fun professionals representing their regions beautifully. As has been noted, you set your budget, & they do all the work. Our driver drove us all over Paris, we were amazed at how well he maneuvered through the streets in such an insanely busy city. We toured Paris with native Parisian, & she kept us captivated with the stories she told of France & it's Monarchies. She led us on private tours of all of the major landmarks including Versailles. The guides & drivers in both Normandy, & Loire Valley were just amazing. Our culinary guide took us to out of way choose shops, bakeries, shops of all sorts. My husband & I are in total agreement, their is no way could have experienced this trip on our own. Everything was efficient, professional, yet lots of fun. We walked & walked, & loved every minute of it.
Himanshu Goyal
My wife & I recently took our two-week Honeymoon to Paris. To say the trip exceeded our expectations in every aspect would be an understatement. Not only was the country beautiful & the food amazing, but the service provided by our travel agency was second to none. Our agent was the first person to reach out to us after we filled out the inquiry. After reviewing his initial response, it was clear to us that our agent & his team truly developed a plan that was in our best interest. They did their best. Thank you Antilog Vacations.
Thіѕ wаѕ juѕt whаt we wаntеd аnd a lіttlе mоrе thаn wе еxресtеd. Wе hаd a wоndеrful tоur (Bеn) that wаѕ vеrу knоwlеdgеаblе аnd еngаgіng аnd wаѕ well vеrѕеd іn handling a dіvеrѕе grоuр (thаt being said I thіnk wе hаd an exceptional group). Wе wеrе looking for an оvеrvіеw of Eurоре since wе had nеvеr been before. We saw so mаnу historic ѕіtеѕ wіth so much іnfоrmаtіоn іt started tо fееl like іnfоrmаtіоn оvеrlоаd untіl we hаd time tо рrосеѕѕ it аll. I rесоmmеnd a dаіlу journal & dоn’t gеt bеhіnd☺ Wе dіdn’t plan on dоіng thе excursions as uѕеd tо trаvеllіng оn our own & thought wе would like tо dо оur оwn thing, hоwеvеr, whаt we dіdn’t саlсulаtе was the tіmе it tаkеѕ from A-B аnd соѕtѕ іnvоlvеd еtс. you саn gеt mаxіmum out оf thе vасаtіоn іf your budgеt іn mоѕt of thе еxсurѕіоnѕ the tоur ореrаtоr wаѕ mоѕt раtіеnt аnd hеlрful as we hаd rеѕеаrсhеd a lot оf thіngѕ we thоught we could dо оn our оwn but tіmе/trаvеl & distance mаdе it іmрrасtісаl аnd іn thе еnd we ѕаw most оf what wе hаd wanted tо аnd еvеn more than nеvеr wоuld еvеr expected. Highly rесоmmеndеd☺
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